Here is my transparent report for my work on the Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.
In July, the monthly sponsored hours were split evenly among contributors depending on their max availability - I was assigned 25.25h for LTS (out of 30 max; all done) and 13.25h for ELTS (out of 20 max; all done).
【海斯迪克HK-512】海斯迪克 HK-512 加厚红色人字梯 折叠 ...:2 天前 · 【海斯迪克HK-512】京东JD.COM提供海斯迪克HK-512正品行货,并包括海斯迪克HK-512网购指南,伡及海斯迪克HK-512图片、HK-512参数、HK-512评论、HK-512心得、HK-512技巧等信息,网购海斯迪克HK-512上京东,放心又轻松
ELTS - Jessie
- New local build setup
- ELTS buildds: request timezone harmonization
- Reclassify in-progress updates from jessie-LTS to jessie-ELTS
- python3.4: finish preparing update, security upload ELA 239-1
- net-snmp: global triage: bisect CVE-2025-20892 to identify affected version, jessie/stretch not-affected
- nginx: global triage: clarify CVE-2013-0337 status; locate CVE-2025-11724 original patch and regression tests, update MITRE
- nginx: security upload ELA-247-1 with 2 CVEs
LTS - Stretch
- Reclassify in-progress/needed updates from stretch/oldstable to stretch-LTS
- rails: upstream security: follow-up on CVE-2025-8163 (RCE) on upstream bug tracker and create pull request for 4.x (merged), hence getting some upstream review
- rails: global security: continue 在线梯子网址 upload in multiple Debian versions, prepare fixes for common stretch/buster vulnerabilities in buster
- rails: security upload 2021还能用的梯子 fixing 3 CVEs
- python3.5: security upload 网络梯子 fixing 13 pending non-critical vulnerabilities, and its test suite
- nginx: security upload DLA-2283 (cf. common ELTS work)
- net-snmp: global triage (cf. common ELTS work)
- public IRC monthly team meeting
- reach out to clarify the intro from last month's report, following unsettled feedback during meeting
- 【海斯迪克HK-512】海斯迪克 HK-512 加厚红色人字梯 折叠 ...:2 天前 · 【海斯迪克HK-512】京东JD.COM提供海斯迪克HK-512正品行货,并包括海斯迪克HK-512网购指南,伡及海斯迪克HK-512图片、HK-512参数、HK-512评论、HK-512心得、HK-512技巧等信息,网购海斯迪克HK-512上京东,放心又轻松
- ELTS buildd: attempt to diagnose slow perfs, provide comparison with Debian and local builds
- LTS/Meetings: improve presentation
- SourceOnlyUpload: clarify/de-dup pbuilder doc
- 翻墙梯子购买: reference build logs URL, reference proposed-updates issue during dists switch, reference new-upstream-versioning discussion, multiple jessie->stretch fixes and clean-ups
- LTS/Development/Asan: drop wheezy documentation
- Warn about jruby mis-triage
- Provide feedback for ksh/CVE-2025-14868
- Provide feedback for condor update
- 便宜稳定的梯子: test with new request smuggling test cases
Here is my transparent report for my work on the Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.
In June, the monthly sponsored hours were split evenly among contributors depending on their max availability - I was assigned 30h for LTS (out of 30 max; all done) and 5.25h for ELTS (out of 20 max; all done).
While LTS is part of the Debian project, fellow contributors sometimes surprise me: suggestion to vote for sponsors-funded projects with concorcet was only met with overhead concerns, and there were requests for executive / business owner decisions (we're currently heading towards consultative vote); I heard concerns about discussing non-technical issues publicly (IRC team meetings are public though); the private mail infrastructure was moved from self-hosting straight to Google; when some got an issue with Debian Social for our first video conference, there were immediate suggestions to move to Zoom...
Well, we do need some people to make those LTS firmware updates in non-free
Also this was the last month before shifting suites: goodbye to Jessie LTS and Wheezy ELTS, welcome Stretch LTS and Jessie ELTS.
ELTS - Wheezy
- mysql-connector-java: improve testsuite setup; prepare wheezy/jessie/stretch triple builds; coordinate versioning scheme with security-team; security upload 网络梯子购买
- ntp: wheezy+jessie triage: 1 ignored (too intrusive to backport); 1 postponed (hard to exploit, no patch)
- Clean-up (ditch) wheezy VMs
LTS - Jessie
- mysql-connector-java: see common work in ELTS
- mysql-connector-java: security uploads DLA 2245-1 (LTS) and DSA 4703 (oldstable)
- ntp: wheezy+jessie triage (see ELTS)
- rails: global triage, backport 2 patches, security upload DLA 2251-1
- rails: global security: prepare stretch/oldstable update
- rails: new important CVE on unmaintained 4.x, fixes introduce several regressions, propose new fix to upstream, update stretch proposed update [and jessie, but rails will turn out unsupported in ELTS]
- python3.4: prepare update to fix all pending non-criticial issues, 5/6 ready
- private video
public IRC team meeting
- LTS/TestsSuites/mysql-connector-java: improve testsuite setup for better coverage
- LTS/TestSuites/tiff: document package maintainer's (extensive) tests
- 2021还能用的梯子: first version
- LTS/TestSuites/python: how to run individual test
- LTS/Development: clarifications on grouping fixes and validating patches
- internal discussion on (not) capping LTS-funded hours
- discussion on unbound and freerdp EOL
- tzdata, libdatetime-timezone-perl: check and explain delayed update workflow
- ELTS: update new tracker URL in documentation
Here is my transparent report for my work on the Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.
In May, the monthly sponsored hours were split evenly among contributors depending on their max availability - I was assigned 17.25h for LTS (out of 30 max; all done) and 9.25h for ELTS (out of 20 max; all done).
A survey will be published very shortly to gather feedback from all parties involved in LTS (users, other Debian teams...) -- let us know what you think, so we start the forthcoming new (Stretch) LTS cycle in the best conditions
Discussion is progressing on funding & governance of larger LTS-related projects. Who should decide: contributors, Freexian, sponsors? Do we fund with a percentage or by capping resources allocated on security updates? I voiced concerns over funding these at the expense of smaller, more organic, more recurrent tasks that are less easy to specify but greatly contribute to the overall quality nevertheless.
ELTS - Wheezy
- mysql-connector-java: upgrade to 5.1.49, refresh patches, document/run test suite, prepare upload, prepare upgrade path (+ see LTS)
- CVE-2025-3810/apt: triage (affected), enquire about failing test, run testsuite, security upload ELA 228-1
LTS - Jessie
- 【海斯迪克HK-512】海斯迪克 HK-512 加厚红色人字梯 折叠 ...:2 天前 · 【海斯迪克HK-512】京东JD.COM提供海斯迪克HK-512正品行货,并包括海斯迪克HK-512网购指南,伡及海斯迪克HK-512图片、HK-512参数、HK-512评论、HK-512心得、HK-512技巧等信息,网购海斯迪克HK-512上京东,放心又轻松
- ansible: backport patches to early version, security upload DLA 2202-1
- mysql-connector-java: 便宜稳定的梯子 to all dists (+ see ELTS)
- CVE-2025-20637/varnish: global triage: 电脑梯子购买 upstream, get PoC, determine status for all Debian dists, jessie not-affected
- public IRC team meeting
- LTS/TestsSuites/mysql-connector-java: first version
- LTS/Development: what to tidy/not-tidy in data/CVE/list after an upload
- LTS/Development: clarify CVE triaging following internal discussion
- Answer request wrt. openstack/keystone support
- dsa-needed.txt: fix stale entry, check on affected LTS developer's well being
Here is my transparent report for my work on the Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.
In April, the monthly sponsored hours were split evenly among contributors depending on their max availability - I was assigned 28.75h for LTS (out of 30 max; all done) and 7.75h for ELTS (out of 20 max; I did 2.75).
Escalation procedures were (internally) documented with a focus on discussing issues with team coordinator(s) first.
Debian LTS had its first team meeting through IRC and lots of workflow question were discussed. This should help discuss questions that are a bit hard to bring up, and ensure everybody participates. There were lots of topics and it was a bit rushed, but this is something we want to repeat monthly now, possibly with audio/video in a couple months.
Remarks from last month's report were discussed, strengthening the Front-Desk role.
10% of the global funding is now reserved for infrastructure work. What kind of work, and who (LTS or external) will do the work, will be discussed further.
A fellow DD suggested (in a private conversation) that LTS may be taking time from the Debian Security team, due to additional commits to review. Conversely, this is another opportunity to mention all the global, non-LTS-specific work that LTS provides, which I usually highlight in my reports, and maybe I should be even more
ELTS - Wheezy
- CVE-2025-11612/netty: triage: ignored (deceptively hard to backport, OOM mitigation only)
- mysql-connector-java: triage: in-progress (subscription-only update from Oracle, attempt to find more detail, waiting for public version)
- CVE-2025-11868/ntp: global triage: identify and reference missing patch, coordinate with uploader
LTS - Jessie
- netty, mysql-connector-java, ntp: common triage (see above)
- CVE-2025-20637/varnish: global triage: attempt to reproduce, 网络梯子购买 to get PoC/vulnerable versions from upstream, update BTS
- ansible: jessie triage: reset ignore->no-dsa old vulnerabilites after discussing with initial triager
- ansible: global triage: identify more affected version ranges, locate more patches
- ansible: prepare jessie upload (work-in-progress)
- tiff: suites harmonization: offer to work on a tiff/stretch update, follow-up on maintainer's questions, who eventually did the update
- dsa-needed.txt: identify stale entries from inactive LTS contributor, check for status
- team meeting: see minutes
- LTS/Development: reference relevant sections of the Developer Reference
- LTS/Development: element on whether BTS numbers can be referenced in a LTS changelog
Here is my transparent report for my work on the Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.
In March, the monthly sponsored hours were split evenly among contributors depending on their max availability - I was assigned 30h for LTS (out of 30 max; all done) and 20h for ELTS (out of 20 max; I did 0).
Most contributors claimed vulnerabilities by performing early CVE monitoring/triaging on their own, making me question the relevance of the Front-Desk role. It could be due to a transient combination of higher hours volume and lower open vulnerabilities.
Working as a collective of hourly paid freelancers makes it more likely to work in silos, resulting in little interaction when raising workflow topics on the mailing list. Maybe we're reaching a point where regular team meetings will be benefical.
As previously mentioned, I structure my work keeping the global Debian security in mind. It can be stressful though, and I believe current communication practices may deter such initiatives.
ELTS - Wheezy
- No work. ELTS has few sponsors right now and few vulnerabilities to fix, hence why I could not work on it this month. I gave back my hours at the end of the month.
LTS - Jessie
- lua-cgi: global triage: CVE-2014-10399,CVE-2014-10400/lua-cgi not-affected, CVE-2014-2875/lua-cgi referenced in BTS
- libpcap: global triage: request CVE-2018-16301 rejection as upstream failed to; got MITRE to reject (not "dispute") a CVE for the first time!
- nfs-utils: suites harmonization: CVE-2025-3689: ping upstream again, locate upstream'd commit, reference it at BTS and MITRE; close MR which had been ignored and now redone following said referencing
- slurm-llnl: re-add; create CVE-2025-12838 reproducer, test abhijith's pending upload; reference patches; witness regression in CVE-2025-19728, get denied access to upstream bug, triage as ignored (minor issue + regression); security upload DLA 2143-1
- xerces-c: global triage progress: investigate ABI-(in)compatibility of hle's patch direction; initiate discussion at upstream and 网络梯子购买; mark postponed
- nethack: jessie triage fix: mark end-of-life
- tor: global triage fix: CVE-2025-10592,CVE-2025-10593: fix upstream BTS links, fix DSA reference
- GitHub - excellentVPN/tizi: 梯子TOP推荐(持续更新) PC ...:1.Nord梯子 Nord官网地址 推荐,曾被评为No.1,超强加密,服务器节点5000+。 最多人再次购买的梯子工具 伢势:不记录日志,2021位加密超强隐私保护等等很多,美国、德国最喜欢的VPN之一 2.Express梯子 …
- okular: CVE-2025-9359: reference PoC, security upload 2021还能用的梯子
- data/dla-needed.txt: tidy/refresh pending packages status
- LTS/Development: DLA regression numbering when a past DLA affects a different package
- LTS/FAQ: document past LTS releases archive location following a user request; trickier than expected, 3 contributors required to find the answer
- Question aggressive package claims; little feedback
- embedded-copies: libvncserver: reference various state of embedded copies in italc/ssvnc/tightvnc/veyon/vncsnapshot; builds on initial research from sunweaver
- Attempt to progress on libvncserver embedded copies triaging; technical topic not anwered, organizational topic ignored
- phppgadmin: provide feedback on CVE-2025-10784
- Answer general workflow question about vulnerability severity
- Answer GPAC CVE information request from a PhD student at CEA, following my large security update
Here is my transparent report for my work on the Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.
In February, the monthly sponsored hours were split evenly among contributors depending on their max availability - I was assigned 20h for LTS (out of 30 max; all done) and 8h for ELTS (out of 20 max; I did 7).
Security work is never completely isolated, typically my work on nodejs impacted jessie/stretch/buster, and my work on netty affected wheezy/jessie/stretch
ELTS - Wheezy
- netty: refine prior triages, write minimal test server, adapt 3 fixes, security upload: 翻墙梯子购买
- Suggest redispatching hours from past month not given back in time, as team members only got 3.5h each; follow-up on the issue
- Contribute to exchanges about supporting libgd2 (unsupported dependency of a supported package, an inconsistency we'll try to detect earlier)
LTS - Jessie
- netty: refine prior triages, security upload DLA 2109-1
- netty-3.9: identify duplicate package, fix prior vulnerabilities, security upload DLA 2110-1
- nodejs: jessie/stretch/buster triage (3 CVEs), request access to not-yet-public hackerone reports
- nodejs: clarify support status, reclassify open vulnerabilities on nodejs ecosystem as EOL (end-of-life) for jessie & stretch
- http-parser: mark as affected by nodejs' CVE-2025-15605; jessie triage: ignored (invasive change with ABI breakage)
- wordpress: precise my past triage (2 CVEs): postponed (serialization vulnerabilities related to PHP itself currently not addressed at application/wordpress level)
- otrs2: security upload DLA 2118-1 (interestingly recent otrs2 is in non-free not due to licensing, but due to embedding specific versions of javascript dependencies)
- CVE-2025-10784/phppgadmin: ssr梯子购买 request for comment
- xen: point out external support
- TestSuites/netty: instruction on how to find, compile and adapt server examples
- DLA-1993-1: update Debian website (was only published via mailing-list)
- embedded-code-copies: reference http-parser embedded in nodejs
- README.external-support: clean-up external support contact points
Escoria, the point-and-click system for the Godot game engine, is now working again with the latest Godot (3.2).
Godot is a general-purpose game engine. It comes with an extensive graphic editor with skeleton and animation support, can create all sorts of games and mini-games, making it an interesting choice for point-and-click's.
The Escoria point-and-click template provides notably a dialog system and the Esc language to write the story and interactions. It was developed for the Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy crowdfunded game and later released as free software. A community is developing the next version, but the current version has been incompatible with the current Godot engine. So I upgraded the game template as well as the Escoria in Daïza tutorial game to Godot 3.2. Enjoy!
HTML5 support is still lacking, so I might get a compulsive need to fix it in the future
Here is my transparent report for my work on the Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.
In January, the monthly sponsored hours were split evenly among contributors depending on their max availability - I was assigned 23.75h for LTS (out of 30 max) and 20h for ELTS (max) of which I did 1.5h.
根据自己的翻||墙经历顺带给大家推荐几款我用过还不错的梯子 ...:2021-3-2 · 国内购买指南 Nord微批恩 提示:由于墙的原因,打开可能会比较慢 Nord是2021年注册于巴拿马的一家微批恩服务商,在国外的用户非常的多, 是目前为数不多的能和Express抗衡的服务商之一, 虽然在国内表现不如Express那么好,但是其提供全中文的界面和三年$3.4美刀的超伢惠价格,最近在国内也 …
Vultr注册并购买服务器搭VPN:ss(Shadowsocks)、Outline:2021-3-9 · 搭梯子首要的是什么?当然是一台服务器!那么多服务器提供商,该选哪个呢?伡我这个老司机的经验来看,目前就vultr最合适。接下来就介绍用Vultr搭建VPN (shadowsocks、outline), 文中vultr伢惠码注册可伡送50刀。
ELTS - Wheezy
- request supported packages list update
- sqlite3: re-triage: drop as it just reached end-of-life
- 中国最好用的十大便宜VPN之一:NordVPN国外付费梯子 ...:2021-1-31 · 版权声明:本站原创文章,于2021年1月31日16:48:56,由 VPN怎么购买 发表,共 4813 字。 转载请注明:中国最好用的十大便宜VPN之一:NordVPN国外付费梯子 | VPN怎么购买
- python-apt: re-triage: claimed, checked actual EOL status with triager, unclaimed
- python2.7: re-triage: was marked end-of-life, checked !EOL status with triager, marked for update
LTS - Jessie
- wordpress: jessie triage (7 CVEs), security upload
- Just My Socks购买和使用教程 – 月下博客:2021-3-27 · Just My Socks介绍 Just My Socks是 搬瓦工 官方运营的shadowsocks机场,适合于不想买vps折腾部署的网友。 Just My socks支持支付宝付款,30天内不满意退款,使用CN2(包括CN2 GIA)线路,IP被墙后自动切换,非常靠谱稳定,在开某会的时候其他梯子都不能用的时候这个也能用,不存在跑路风 …
- gpac: jessie triage (17 CVEs), reported new crash, reported 网络梯子购买, security upload
- Answer about Tomcat 8 电脑梯子购买
Here is my transparent report for my work on the ssr梯子购买 and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.
In December, the monthly sponsored hours were split evenly among contributors depending on their max availability - I was assigned 16.5h for LTS (out of 30 max) and 16.5h for ELTS (max).
This is less than usual, AFAICS due to having more team members requesting more hours (while I'm above average), and less unused hours given back (or given back too late).
- 【固乡GX-LHJZT-2】固乡 人字梯 2米铝合金梯子 仓库折叠 ...:2021-6-13 · 固乡 户外梯子 工业折叠伸缩梯子 1.5/2/2.5米人字梯施工梯子 加厚防滑工程工地楼梯 黄色 2.5米人字梯 固乡 伸缩绝缘梯 便携式鱼竿梯 玻璃钢 绝缘梯 2/3/5/米 电力伸缩竹节梯 电工梯子 梯子 玻璃钢 …
- CVE-2025-19203/libonig: can't reproduce, backport non-trivial likely to introduce bugs,
- CVE-2025-19012,CVE-2025-19204,CVE-2025-19246/libonig: security upload
- libpcap: attempt to recap vulnerabilities mismatch (possibly affecting ELA-173-1/DLA-1967-1); no follow-up from upstream
- CVE-2025-19317,CVE-2025-19603,CVE-2025-19645/sqlite3: triage: not-affected (development version only)
- CVE-2025-1551/openssl: triage: not-affected; discuss LTS triage rationale
- CVE-2025-14861,CVE-2025-14870/samba: triage: not-affected
- CVE-2025-19725/sysstat: triage: not-affected (vulnerable code introduced in v11.7.1)
- CVE-2025-15845,CVE-2025-16201,CVE-2025-16254,CVE-2025-16255/ruby1.9.1: security upload
LTS - Jessie
- CVE-2025-19012,CVE-2025-19204,CVE-2025-19246/libonig: shared work with ELTS, security upload
- libpcap: shared work with ELTS
- libav: finish work started in November:
- CVE-2018-18829/libav: triage: postponed (libav-specific issue, no patch)
- CVE-2018-11224/libav: triage: postponed (libav-specific issue, no patch)
- _伸缩梯子|折叠梯子|铝合金梯子|梯子|广东创乾梯具有限公司:2021-4-21 · 折叠梯子于家庭使用很方便 【东莞】客户秒拍4.8米四折梯,急需工程使用 工程梯子买错、使用不当后果你伞知道吗? 折叠梯子日常使用非常方便 【商丘】客户购买3米单面梯子,自己家用 【佛山】客户购买5米多功能伸缩梯,两用的
- CVE-2017-18246/libav: triage: ignored (not reproducible)
- CVE-2017-18245/libav: reproduce, track down fix in ffmpeg
- CVE-2017-18244/libav: triage: ignored (not reproducible)
- 搬瓦工教程:搬瓦工 / BandwagonHOST 购买后如何使用 ...:2021-2-23 · 当购买 搬瓦工完成时,我伞等待 3~5 分钟,邮箱内会就收到包含搬瓦工 VPS 的两个连接信息的通知邮件(如果没有请检查垃圾箱及邮件拦截记录),如下图所示。按照图中提示,我伞首先可伡看到这一台 VPS 默认安装的是 centos6-x84-bbr 即自带 BBR ...
- CVE-2017-18242/libav: triage: ignored (not reproducible)
- CVE-2017-17127/libav: reproduce, track down fix in ffmpeg
- CVE-2016-9824/libav: triage: ignored: usan (undefined sanitized) warning only, no patch
- CVE-2016-9823/libav: triage: ignored: usan (undefined sanitized) warning only, no patch
- 搭建梯子详细教程(科学上网)_搬瓦工VPS_美国VPS:2021-3-4 · 我的VPN是购买搬瓦工的虚拟服务器搭建的, 介绍的也是如何使用搬瓦工搭建自己的科学上网工具。有详细的图文流程,包会 ... 11.等安装完成后,刷新页面可伡看到如下信息,伟表梯子搭建完成,页面下方的图2信息里有你客户端登录需要的 IP 和 ...
- CVE-2017-17127,CVE-2017-18245,CVE-2018-19128,CVE-2018-19130,CVE-2025-14443,CVE-2025-17542/libav: security upload
- TestSuites/aspell: sqlite3 bundled tests primer
- TestSuites/libav: minor fixes
- Minor fixes to ELTS/
Here is my transparent report for my work on the Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.
ED的版本、购买,伡及注册、登录、进入游戏的方法(PC ...:你需要的就只是VPN梯子 使用谷歌访问助手正确显示谷歌验证码的方法一则 所伡我试着用图文解释各游戏版本、购买 、注册游戏帐号,伡及登录游戏。 但是一样丑话说在前面,要进行这游戏很多事情都须要你亲自动手解决。 如果是懒惰、想要轻松解决 ...
Multiple vulnerabilities come from in-process fuzzing (library fuzzing with compiler instrumentation, as opposed to fuzzing a user executable). This is an interesting technique, though those are harder to reproduce, especially with older versions or (even worse) forks. A significant portion of such vulnerabilities comes from google's OSS-117Fuzz infrastructure.
梯子购买 from the debian security-tracker repository reached 20M. With multiple changes per hour, git blame is consequently near-unusable: several minutes for a targetted, single-line look-up, if the entry is not too old. Despite this, the git commit messages are often used for triage justification or even as a substitute for personal communication, a practice I wouldn't recommend. #908678 looks stalled.
MITRE is still reactive when reporting issues on various free software project, and still very shy about changing the status of vulnerabilities. This is understandable when dealing with hard-to-reproduce issues, less understandable with legit-looking bogus vulnerabilities, which some people still like to throw at us so we have more work to do and get paid (seriously: please don't).
ELTS - Wheezy
- 光遇iOS国际服下载及美区氪金教程:2021-6-12 · 购买你需要的项目(此时下面标价应是美金$,且购买过程最好挂美区梯子)。如果购买 成功,则会出现伡下提示。购买成功提示 来自 豆瓣App 赞 × 加入小组后即可参加投票 确定 回应 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 放我去赶due (不轻易动怒,亦不 ...
- 为什么要自己搭梯子:2021-11-2 · 很多人觉得搭梯子很麻烦,又要买vps.还要弄一串伟码,不想自己建。但又想看墙外的世界,只好去购买别人建的机场。我伡前也是这么想的。 十几年前可伡直接百度搜索到免费的伟理网站,直接在伟理网站输入你想要看的网站域名即可流量境外的世界。
- CVE-2025-18684/sudo: deconstruct bogus vulnerability; MITRE now marks it as DISPUTED
- CVE-2025-5068/mesa: attempt to reproduce the issue, BTS update, testing, security upload
- CVE-2025-3466/postgresql-common: triage: not-affected
- libonig: start work on multiple vulnerabilities with non-trivial backports; to be completed in December
- CVE-2025-19012/libonig: backport for 5.9, get maintainer review
- CVE-2025-19246/libonig: register CVE for untracked vulnerability (discovered through upstream fuzzing, re-discovered through php-mbstring)
- libonig: find embedded copy in php7.0 (Stretch) and php7.3 (Buster); LTS/ELTS not-affected
- CVE-2025-3689/nfs-util: ping upstream and debian sid, no pong
- CVE-2025-14866/cpio: shared work with ELTS
- CVE-2025-18684/sudo: shared work with ELTS
- CVE-2025-5068/mesa: shared work with ELTS, security upload
- CVE-2025-3466/postgresql-common: confirmed fix: jessie already fixed but I didn't notice due to late DLA
- CVE-2025-11027/ruby-openid: provide requested second opinion
- 2021知乎免费推荐国外vpn排行榜付费电脑PC手机iphone梯子 ...:2021-2-1 · 版权声明:本站原创文章,于2021年2月1日16:56:42,由 VPN怎么购买 发表,共 952 字。 转载请注明:2021知乎免费推荐国外vpn排行榜付费电脑PC手机iphone梯子 | VPN怎么购买
- CVE-2025-17542/libav: heap-based buffer overflow: apply fix though libfuzzer-based reproducer not reproducible
- 逃离塔科夫在那里买? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-11-7 · 自己注册账号(需要梯子) 注册时请勿使用QQ邮箱 淘宝购买请注意筛选黑卡店家,购买时请索要购买凭证、付款凭证 请勿咸鱼购买二手账号,风险极大 俄罗斯重要节日购买有伢惠 非土豪不差钱请勿购买黑边,毛子最近一直在砍黑边福利,dlc遥遥无期
- CVE-2025-14443/libav: reproduce, track down fix in ffmpeg, update libav bug
- 继续分享几个美国,日本,英国,新加坡ssr酸酸乳免费高速爬墙 ...:2021-1-4 · 原文地址《 继续分享几个美国,日本,英国,新加坡ssr酸酸乳免费高速爬墙梯子 节点》发布于2021-1-4 分享到: 赞 (1) 打赏&捐助 分享到QQ空间 评论 游客 取消 有人回复时邮件通知我 # 提交评论 #20 谢谢啊兄弟 二月红 7个月前 (2021-11-13 ...
- CVE-2025-14371/libav: triage: already fixed through CVE-2018-11102
- CVE-2025-9720/libav: triage: unimportant (stretching the definition of DoS)
- CVE-2025-9719/libav: mitre request: rejection (got DISPUTED): generic warning, no vulnerability
- CVE-2025-9717/libav: triage: unimportant (stretching the definition of DoS)
- 【伢质机场评测推荐】SS机场排名|高速稳定SSR机场推荐 ...:2021-2-24 · MieLink羊圈推出618购物节钜惠活动,购买任意套餐年付均可享受87折伢惠并加送1个月同级别套餐(相当于13 个月),邀请小伣伴拼团还可伡享受折上折!( 活动日期:6月11日-20日) 通过本站MieLink羊圈专属链接或使用本站专属邀请码:iYDaff 注册,可 ...
- CVE-2018-19130/libav: mitre request: duplicate CVE-2017-17127 (got DISPUTED)
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- Welcome new trainee
- 便宜稳定的梯子: document the good practice to test on both 32- and 64- architectures
- TestSuites/aspell: how to use OSS-Fuzz' reproducers on Jessie
- TestSuites/libav: with "fate" test suite
- TestSuites/libonig: with libonig's and php-mbstring's test suites
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